The Philippines: The Land Of No Divorce (Laws)

divorce in the Philippines

Undoubtedly, there are many flaws with the divorce and custody laws in the United States. But clearly there are situations in other parts of the globe that are much worse. Take a look at the Philippines, which aside from Vatican City, is the last country in the world that lacks


Top 10 Dads Divorce Articles Of 2014

Dads Divorce articles has already gotten off to a big start in 2015 with the launch of a redesigned site. The entire team is excited to build off the growth we saw last year, which included more than 1.2 million visitors to the site and more than 5.5 million pageviews. The community


What Is The First Thing A Dad Should Do After Separation?

separation divorce

By Julie Garrison Special to After separation, your activities are going to change considerably. If you are the one initiating the separation and subsequent divorce, chances are you have already lined up your finances, change in residence, and child custody priorities. You may not have seen a divorce attorney