My wife’s divorce lawyer used to represent me. Isn’t this a conflict of interest?

Divorce attorney Jason BowmanQuestion:

I am representing myself pro se in my divorce case. My wife is being represented by a divorce attorney who represented me in a previous family law case from another marriage. Isn’t this a conflict of interest?

Also, I have responded to my wife’s lawyer’s discovery requests, but have heard nothing back from him. How can I notify the court that I am abiding by its orders?


First let me preface my answer by stating that I am not licensed to practice in Indiana. Cordell & Cordell does have attorneys who are licensed to practice in Indiana and would be happy to discuss your case with you.

Your state’s Rules of Civil Procedure should outline a process for filing items with the Court and should be able to provide you with guidance for notifying the Court that you are abiding by its orders.

I don’t know how your wife’s lawyer can represent her if he has represented you in the past, especially in the family law setting. You may want to check with your state’s bar association and your civil rules to see if her attorney has a conflict of interest and needs to be removed from the case.

I would suggest that you need to find an attorney who is licensed in Indiana to discuss these issues and who can help you finalize this divorce.


Jason Bowman is an attorney in the Louisville, Kentucky, office of Cordell & Cordell. He is licensed in the states of Kentucky and Texas. He received his Bachelor of Science in Business from the University of Louisville, and received his Juris Doctor from Texas Wesleyan University.

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