Temporarily Modifying Alimony If Furloughed From Job

divorce lawyer Caroline Thompson

Question: I am a federal employee who pays alimony and is being temporarily furloughed from my job. My alimony calculation was based on my full salary, but my income will obviously be temporarily reduced due to furlough. Should I ask for a temporary modification of my alimony payments as a


Jurisdiction Confusion In Child Custody Cases

divorce jurisdiction UCCJEA

Question: My ex-wife lives in another state and rarely has communication with our child, who primarily lives with me even though he lived with his mother in another state when the initial custody determination was made. I would like to modify custody to reflect the changes in living arrangements, but


Filing For Child Support If Parenting Time Increases

divorce lawyer Maura Boogay

Question: My child support payments were recently terminated after a child custody modification that increased my parenting time resulting in shared 50/50 physical custody. I would like to receive child support from my ex-wife because she makes more money than me and I will have increased child rearing costs with