Question: If my wife has agreed to and signed the final divorce decree in an uncontested divorce that is pending a final court date, can she still obtain legal counsel? Also, if she has an illness, but has not been deemed legally disabled, do I have to maintain her health …
Do I legally have to disclose my military disability payments?
Question: I am not currently receiving military disability but it is at the board awaiting final approval. When filling out the divorce papers, my spouse asked me about my disability payments from the military. Do I have to legally disclose this amount when a decision is reached as I was …
CONTINUE READINGAsk a Lawyer: Disabled and under reporting at Social Security
Question: I have been approved for SSDI medically but just got declined because SS says I don’t have enough quarters reported in the last ten years. I have been involved in running, managing or contributing to the practice for over 12 years…2 year of which I worked full time in …
CONTINUE READINGWhat if wife voluntarily quits her job for lesser paying job?
Question: I have been divorced over 5 years. I pay no child support. I have joint legal and joint physical custody of my son. We get along fine and trade days, weeks, eves, etc. with absolutely no problems. Recently, my ex has become very serious about changing jobs. Because of …