Question: During our marriage, my wife had her college education, including post-graduate degrees, paid for. Now that she left me I would like to know if I am able to reclaim some of that money that went toward paying for her education?
Discourse On Discovery: 5 Steps To Prepare For A Deposition
By Nathan A. Hacker Indianapolis Divorce Lawyer Though I currently practice family law exclusively for Cordell & Cordell, I was previously both a prosecutor and defense attorney so I have participated in countless depositions and have seen cases won over a few careless words by a witness who is not …
CONTINUE READINGDiscourse On Discovery: Request for Admissions
By Nathan A. Hacker Indianapolis Divorce Lawyer Requests for admissions in discovery are frequently not used in family law, but at times can be a valuable tool for a divorce attorney to limit the scope of a trial. For example, requests for admissions regularly take on the form of: “Do …
CONTINUE READINGDiscourse On Discovery: Request for Production of Documents
By Nathan A. Hacker Indianapolis Divorce Lawyer The request for production of documents is the type of discovery that you see in the movies where guys are pushing carts full of bankers boxes out of office buildings. Each box has thousands of pages in it and some poor summer associate …
CONTINUE READINGDiscourse On Discovery: What Are Interrogatories?
By Nathan A. Hacker Indianapolis Divorce Lawyer Interrogatories are the request for information in an open-ended format and will cover a wide range of topics, but are primarily centered on two main areas: finances and children. Here are sample interrogatories you will face related to your children and on financial …
CONTINUE READINGDiscourse On Discovery: What Is Discovery?
By Nathan A. Hacker Indianapolis Divorce Lawyer Discovery is the process whereby an attorney learns or discovers information about the other parties through a series of questions that are guided by the rules of the court or the state. It will allow your divorce lawyer to see the entire picture. …
CONTINUE READINGWhat Information Can You Ask For During Discovery?
Question: My divorce question is about the discovery process. My soon-to-be-ex-wife and I are fighting over child custody. I recently got a new job and am trying to keep this nasty divorce battle out of my work life. I received a list of questions in the discovery process that asked …
CONTINUE READINGIntentional destruction of evidence in divorce
Question: I hear a lot about clearing Web browser history or replacing the computer’s hard drive when going through a divorce in case there might be incriminating information about affairs, financial misconduct, etc. Can I do this without being punished or would this be considered spoliation of evidence?
CONTINUE READINGHow can I prove my ex-wife’s income if she is self-employed?
Question: My ex-wife is claiming she is starting to receive income from a new business venture she started with her new partner but provided no documentation of her income or the existence of the business. First, does the court actually trust unfounded statements like this? Second, how can I confirm …
CONTINUE READINGWill it look bad if I put the home in someone else’s name?
Question: My daughter’s mother recently found out about a condo and truck I recently purchased and put in someone else’s name. Is there any way she can prove that I own these items, such as through discovery? I am afraid that if she pulls my credit card statements she will …