What Counts As Dissipation Of Assets In A Divorce Case?

dissipation assets divorce

By Sara Pitcher Cordell & Cordell Divorce Lawyer Dissipation is defined by the Black’s Law Dictionary as: “The use of an asset for an illegal or inequitable purpose, such as a spouse’s use of community property for personal benefit when a divorce is imminent.” Some jurisdictions automatically impose a temporary


Dissipating Marital Assets Before Divorce

divorce lawyer Katie Petersen

Question: My wife has been giving money to her relatives and buying them gifts without my knowledge or consent. She is spending our joint money as she pleases. Can these costs be included as part of the final settlement? If not, can I give money to my relatives as well


Property Issues in Divorce

The dissolution of a marriage (divorce) is similar to the dissolution of a business partnership – the division of the assets and debts of the endeavor. However, the division of the assets and debts (called the marital estate) in a dissolution of marriage case involves definitions, exceptions and considerations not