Question: I’ve been married for about eight months and have no children. If we divorce, will my wife be eligible for spousal maintenance?
CONTINUE READINGIs My Wife Eligible For Spousal Maintenance?

Question: I’ve been married for about eight months and have no children. If we divorce, will my wife be eligible for spousal maintenance?
CONTINUE READINGQuestion: I’m currently going through a pendente lite divorce and have been ordered to pay alimony pendent lite. Unfortunately, I do not make enough to afford this. My attorney advises me to comply with my wife’s attorney and says I could face jail time if I don’t. Is there anything …
CONTINUE READINGQuestion: I make more money than my wife, though not by much, and she is insisting that I will have to pay her child support and alimony pendente lite even while our divorce is pending. What is alimony pendente lite? I assume this is a form of spousal support, but …
CONTINUE READINGQuestion: Why am I being forced to pay alimony to my wife when we are still married and our divorce is not finalized? Does this mean I will have to continue paying her alimony even after we’re divorced?