Question: I was supposed to claim our kids for taxes this year but am a little behind on child support. If she claims the kids for taxes does that go toward back child support?
I’m afraid my ex won’t return our child. What can I do?
Question: My 4-year-old daughter has been living with me for the last few months since her mother recently moved out of state and is now living with her new boyfriend. We have not filed for divorce or discussed custody or anything. After all this time not seeing her, she wants …
CONTINUE READINGAsk a Divorce Lawyer: Why is my wife insisting on getting it in writing that she lives in our home with our daughter?
Question: My wife will not sign the divorce agreement until it is written that she has a permanent address at her home with our daughter. What’s the advantage she’s trying to get, if any?
CONTINUE READINGAsk a Divorce Lawyer: Is there a residency requirement before you can file for child support?
Question: Is there a residency requirement in Kentucky before someone can file for child support? I know that someone must be there for 6 months to file for divorce. I live in Ohio, but my wife left and took the kids to Kentucky and now has filed for child support. It has only been 2 …
CONTINUE READINGIs my lump sum alimony payment tax deductible?
Question: I paid $100,000 of alimony in a lump sum in 2006. The IRS is now claiming that it is not deductible. Can you provide direction?
CONTINUE READINGAsk a Divorce Lawyer: Can you easily reduce the amount of child support based on the time spent with your kids?
Question: I pay over $1,500 per month for child support for my two sons. For the past two years I have them for 14 days per month so I still have expenses based on the time spent with them. I take them to and form school, I have to have …
CONTINUE READINGAsk a Divorce Lawyer: How can I keep child support payments from increasing while I’m unemployed?
Question: I was divorced in 1980 and ordered to pay $50 a week in child support. I have had unrelated legal problems and spent four years in jail and also spent time of welfare with my current family. I have been paying via forced wage attachment, income tax, etc. since …
CONTINUE READINGAsk a Divorce Lawyer: How do I re-open a case and how long are they valid for?
Question: My wife filed for divorce on Feb. 5, 2009, and I responded on May 7, 2009. The case is still “pending,” so what form should I file to re-open the case since I heard cases are only valid for one year? If that’s true, when is the 1-year mark? …
CONTINUE READINGAsk a Divorce Lawyer: What is the determining factor in who gets custody of children?
Question: What is the determining factor in who gets custody of children?
CONTINUE READINGAsk a Divorce Lawyer: I signed my paternal rights over to my ex’s new husband so why am I getting child support bills again?
Question: I live in Georgia but my 18-year-old child lives in California. In 1995, I signed a court document granting my paternal rights over to my ex’s new husband. (He was supposed to adopt him, but apparently never did.) Three years later, I start getting child support bills again. First …