When couples are separating their assets during the divorce process, it is common for one party to feel they’re drawing the short straw. When it seems as though your ex is about to make out much better than you in the property settlement, you might be tempted to hide your …
Oklahoma Man Stuck Paying Child Support For Child That Isn’t His
There are many family law statutes that are either counterproductive or just outright nonsensical. The latest example of comes from the state of Oklahoma where a man has been ordered to pay child support for a child that isn’t his.
CONTINUE READINGWhat Unmarried Dads Need To Know To Protect Their Parental Rights
Dads often face an uphill battle when it comes to family law issues. The situation is even tougher for unmarried fathers. A recent case in point comes from Wisconsin. Nearly six months ago, James Wolfe’s son was snatched away from him by the toddler’s mother, who disappeared with the child to Georgia …
CONTINUE READINGChild Support System Overemphasizes Collecting Payments
Time and time again, the child support system’s overemphasis on collecting payments ends up punishing low-income fathers. Or in some cases, it punishes low-income men who aren’t fathers at all. The latest example comes from Iowa where Joe Vandusen, 45, is being asked to pay child support for a child …
CONTINUE READINGHow Paternity Fraud Devastates Entire Families
It is difficult to estimate how many people are victims of paternity fraud in the United States, but even conservative estimates put the number in the millions. It’s been referred to as a “national epidemic.”
CONTINUE READINGDadsDivorce Live: Women Against Paternity Fraud
It is difficult to estimate just how many people in the United States are victims of paternity fraud, but even the most conservative estimates put the number in the thousands. And the issue is one that devastates men, women and children alike.
CONTINUE READINGPaternity Fraud: A National Epidemic
When paternity fraud is committed, it isn’t just the non-biological father who suffers. Paternity fraud is an act that leaves a throng of victims in its wake – from the real biological father who has been denied the right to know and raise his child to the child itself who …
CONTINUE READINGChild Support System Continues Failing Well-meaning Dads
Yet another case of the child support system failing a well-intentioned father has made its way into the headlines. The latest debacle comes from Orange County, Fla., where Dave Hernandez saw his income drained for months after his four sons moved in with him following the death of his estranged …
CONTINUE READINGTransferring Child Support When A Child Changes Caregivers
Question: My niece and nephew recently started living with us because their mother was arrested for using drugs. However, she is still accepting child support payments from their father even though the children no longer live with her. How can we get the child support transferred either to us or …
CONTINUE READINGHow Long Before A Default Judgment Is Issued?
Question: How long does a defendant have to answer a complaint for divorce before a default judgment is issued?