What Do I Need To Do To Get Primary Custody?

Question: My wife and I are divorcing and while I don’t want to keep my kids completely away from her, I think she makes some questionable decisions as a parent. She is going to live with her mother, who has a drinking problem, and that is an environment I don’t


Violating The Automatic Temporary Injunction Order

oklahoma city divorce lawyer

Question: During the divorce process, there was an Automatic Temporary Injunction that barred either party from changing the life insurance policy beneficiary. My wife died shortly before our divorce was finalized, and I discovered she changed beneficiaries on her life policies even while under the temporary order. Does the Automatic


Does The Party Awarded The Asset Take The Debt?

divorce lawyer Daniel Lambert

Question: I have a vehicle financed in my name. During temporary orders, my soon-to-be-ex-wife was awarded possession of the vehicle until the divorce is final at which point we are to switch cars since I am driving the one in her name that is paid off. She is saying that