She Violated Our Notarized Child Custody Agreement

Noblesville Indiana Divorce Lawyer

Question: My ex and I signed a notarized child custody agreement that she was not allowed to leave the state with my son without my written permission. However, she ignored it, moved out of state with my child, and when I protested the judge overruled our notarized agreement saying it


Planning Summer Vacations: Who Gets To Pick The Dates?

summer child custody

By Jamie Kinkaid Cordell & Cordell Divorce Lawyer As discussed in a previous article, “Summer Parenting Time: Common Problems and Solutions,” there are unique issues for divorced dads that crop up when children are out of school for the summer. Summer vacations during the summer parenting time can be a


Summer Parenting Time: Common Problems and Solutions

summer parenting time

By Jamie Kinkaid Cordell & Cordell Divorce Lawyer More often than not, divorcing parties tend to forget regular and holiday visitation is completely separate from summer parenting time. Summer itself needs to be addressed individually to help give guidelines on how the visitation will occur and what the expectations are


Preventing Unauthorized Out-Of-State Travel

Noblesville Indiana Divorce Lawyer

Question: When I made my daily call to talk to my children, my ex-wife told me that our kids traveled out-of-state for the weekend with her boyfriend during her parenting time. I am furious about this because not only was I never notified that the children were traveling, but they