Collecting Overdue Child Support Payments

mens divorce lawyer

Question: I am looking for financial advice on divorce, specifically how to collect child support payments. Per our divorce and child custody agreements, my ex-wife is expected to pay me child support once she finds a full-time job since I have primary physical custody. The agreement states that if within


Options for Child Support When Unemployed

men's divorce lawyer Andrea Johnson

By Andrea Johnson Attorney, Cordell & Cordell With the current economic situation, many unemployed divorced dads cannot afford child support payments. Some just pay what they can for a period of time until they find another job.  Others make informal agreements with their former spouse about a temporary modification. Both


Joseph Cordell discusses father’s rights

Attorney Joe Cordell

The double standards and challenges men and fathers face in divorce was one of many divorce issues Joseph Cordell discussed on the McCarthy and Friends Show on 94.1 KPVR in St. Louis. While acknowledging progress has been made in granting more father’s rights, Cordell said the whole idea is to