Home / Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act
Question: My wife recently moved from Iowa to Kansas with our kids. I have also moved around quite a bit but have remained in Iowa. I need to file for custody but am having difficulty determining where my jurisdiction falls.
Question: My wife left our state for a supposed vacation recently. When I arrived to join her on vacation, she told me she would not be moving back home and that she wanted a divorce. Blindsided! We have not yet filed for divorce, but I want to know what rights …
Question: At the end of last year, my wife moved and took the kids to live in another state without telling me or asking me first. In May of this year, I filed a divorce with the court system in the state where I live and where she used to …
Question: My ex and I both moved to separate states outside the state of our divorce. I have not been allowed custody of my kids in almost three years even though we’re supposed to have joint custody. Can I enforce the child custody law from one state to another?