The Kate Hopkins Case And A Parent’s Constitutional Rights
Guest host, Spencer Williams, JD of Cordell & Cordell, PC, interviews Stanley Thorne, Esq., a consulting attorney in the very important Kate Hopkins custody case.
Mr. Thorne describes how constitutional issues must be examined whenever a “blanket” lopsided custody arrangements are routinely employed by a court system. Mr. Thorne explains how his client is challenging the Tennessee Family Code because one parent is automatically relegated to the role of occasional or every other weekend visitor.
Watch the interview, and find additional links to the case after the jump.
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This brings up a very relevant situation; I was divorced in Massachusetts nearly 4 years ago. At that time the judge refused full joint physical custody stating that in his opinion “that just doesn’t work”. 4 years later there is legislation on the books to mandate full joint physical custody in ALL cases unless there are extenuating circumstances.
And even though the bill has not yet been passed into law, the courts are already applying that standard.
So my question is, how can fathers like me get that standard applied to our families? Will a change in the laws allow us to petition the courts to give us our equal time with our children?
I’m hearing that it would still require a “material change” in circumstances – which I don’t even begin to understand.
Your insights would be greatly appreciated.
Great interview!
Very informative and look forward to hearing more. Personally involved in a similar situation and agree that the court system is WAY behind with equal parenting.
Please keep us posted on this case…
Seeing this today truly gives me hope, assuming the judge rules correctly, that equality can be achieved between the two parents.
GlennG Dallas, TX