DadsDivorce Live: Parental Alienation as a Medical Disorder editor Matt Allen interviews Dr. William Bernet about the parental alienation proposal that he and a large committee of mental health and legal professionals have submitted to the American Psychiatric Association

Bernet, who is the keynote speaker at the Canadian Symposium for Parental Alienation Syndrome, has proposed that parental alienation be included as either a “mental disorder” or a “relational problem” in the next edition of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, also known as DSM-5. The inclusion would go a long way toward creating awareness and helping children and families affected by this disorder.

The conference, titled “Parental Alienation Syndrome: Past Present and Future,” is taking place in New York City on Oct. 2 and 3 and is open to the general public.

Visit the CSPAS website for more information on the parental alienation conference. Listen to the podcast for the full parental alienation interview.



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