Men comprise 25-50% of all intimate partner violence victims in a given year yet there is little research focusing specifically on male victims of domestic violence, according to Denise Hines, a research assistant professor at Clark University.
Her recent study was the first to link Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) to men who seek help after being abused by their female partner.
PTSD is a psychiatric condition that can follow the experience of a traumatic incident and the experience of intimate partner violence is generally considered to be a traumatic event, Hines said.
Her research study titled “Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Men Who Sustain Intimate Partner Violence” was published in the April issue of Psychology of Men & Masculinity.
In the video below, Hines talked with editor Matt Allen about PTSD, “intimate terrorism” and what is preventing this issue from being as widely recognized as domestic violence against women.
You can also listen to the full audio version of the podcast on PTSD and violence against men.