Check Your Court Records Online… Now!

DadsDivorce is pleased to announce a new addition to our State Resource pages, helping you to stay in touch with the current status of your various cases. 

Recently, many states and some counties have begun to move their public access to court records online.  This means that you can easily view the status of your cases in the comfort of your own home – no more going to the courthouse every time you need to view these documents. 

Read more after the jump.


Though not every state or county has jumped on-board with this idea due to various legal constraints and other considerations, many have.  The amount of information and the type of records available are dependent upon each state’s various legal considerations when offering this information online for public access.

The National Center for State Courts (NCSC) has compiled a list of the various online resources and/or information about public access that is currently available to the public on a per state basis wherever applicable.  

Please be advised that these online records may not contain the most up-to-date information.  Be sure to stay appraised of your personal cases through your attorneys.

Below is a screenshot of Missouri’s Click on the image to go to the website.




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