Question: Can child support arrears be discharged by filing for chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy?
CONTINUE READINGCan Arrears Be Discharged By Filing For Bankruptcy?

Question: Can child support arrears be discharged by filing for chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy?
CONTINUE READINGQuestion: My ex-wife has filed for bankruptcy in an attempt to avoid paying my divorce attorney fees that were awarded to me based on the court finding her in contempt. Can she avoid paying my attorney fees because she filed for bankruptcy? Or is that money considered to be support …
CONTINUE READINGQuestion: Would my ex-wife have to pay my divorce attorney fees if I have to take her back to court for contempt and she was found guilty? She agreed to pay me a distributive award for marital debts within 30 days from the date the divorce was finalized. The deadline …
CONTINUE READINGBy Julie Garrison Special to There are thousands of child custody cases in the U.S. involving military dads who have lost custody of their children while on deployment. During World War II, the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act was enacted, which provided protections for Americans serving in all …
CONTINUE READINGAs a trusted voice in the divorce landscape, Cordell & Cordell co-founder Joseph Cordell was once again called on by Sporting News Radio to dissect the potential divorce settlement between Los Angeles Dodgers owners Frank and Jamie McCourt – and the possible ramifications it could bring to one of Major …
CONTINUE READINGQuestion: Child support is bankrupting me. I have a part-time job making minimum wage yet I am ordered to pay $500 a month in child support plus an extra $200 to cover arrears I accrued while unemployed. My wages are garnished along with them garnishing half of my unemployment benefits. …
CONTINUE READINGQuestion: While going through our divorce, my husband was ordered to pay child support. Shortly after the order was entered he filed for bankruptcy and now wants the child support modified. Can child support be reduced or eliminated if the paying party files for bankruptcy?
CONTINUE READINGQuestion: My wife filed for divorce shortly before learning she had cancer and is requesting alimony. We were married for almost 20 years and she was a stay-at-home mom for the most part, though she said she recently quit her part-time job because of her illness. At this point, it …
CONTINUE READINGFrank McCourt and his wife, Jamie, are locked in a heated divorce dispute over the ownership of the Los Angeles Dodgers. Though the McCourts’ battle is on a much larger scale, this type of property division battle happens every day in family law courtrooms, according to founder Joseph Cordell. …
CONTINUE READINGQuestion: We are approaching our trial to figure out what debt of my wife’s I have to pay. Can I file for bankruptcy on the court order saying what I have to pay? Or do I actually have to pay all of it back? If I do, will they go …