Financial Planning Tips To Help Mitigate Divorce Costs

divorce costs

When your marriage ends, the storm of divorce costs can leave you reeling financially. It takes some guys years to get back to a place of stability after losing thousands to attorney fees, filing costs, child support, alimony, and more. In recent months, with inflation hitting record levels and many


Should More Dads Ask For Child Support?

dads asking for child support

Perhaps one of the biggest, and most costly, misconceptions about the divorce process is that fathers are not entitled to receive child support. This notion is rooted in the outdated assumption that persists in family court that the mother is the caregiver and the father is the family’s breadwinner.


Is Child Support Debt Consolidation Possible?

child support debt consolidation

Falling behind on child support payments is one of the quickest ways fathers can cripple their finances, especially in states that apply interest charges. Child support debt can quickly snowball and lead to wage garnishment and in some cases even prison. Inherently, the child support system is especially harsh on


3 Misconceptions About The Child Support System

child support

Cordell & Cordell Co-Founder Joe Cordell has talked extensively about the many flaws of the modern child support system. In theory, the system should ensure that all necessary expenses needed to raise a child are covered, but in reality it often drives a wedge between families and creates excessive financial


5 Challenges Divorced Dads Must Overcome

divorced dads

Divorce is a tough process for everyone, but it can be especially brutal for dads. There are a number of societal, cultural, and legal factors that seem to conspire to make life for divorced dads difficult. The good news is there also are some upsides to the divorced dad life,