Recently, Texas State Rep. Matt Kruase filed a bill to eliminate no-fault divorce in the state in an effort to strengthen marriage and families. The logic goes that more marriages will be saved since the law makes it more difficult, and costly, to obtain a divorce.
Anyone who has gone through a divorce or child custody case knows there are many elements of the family law system that just do not seem to make much sense.
On Jan. 1, 2016, the state of Illinois will overhaul its divorce law – known as the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act – for the first time since 1977. One of the major changes in the overhaul will be the elimination of at-fault divorce grounds. Now, the only …
Question: Am I unable to divorce prior to a year of separation in North Carolina? Do I have to wait that year out before I can talk to an attorney about filing for divorce?
Ashley Madison, a website dedicated to helping married people cheat, was recently hacked, putting the personal information of its 37 million users at risk. In the wake of the breach, there has been much speculation as to what, if any, affect the hack could have on the number of couples seeking …
Recently, Ashley Madison, a website dedicated to helping married people cheat, was hacked, putting the personal information of its 37 million users at risk. The scandal has provided a poignant reminder of the prevalence of adultery in our society and is also the latest example of how the rise of …
Spousal support seems destined to remain in a state of perpetual flux. Even the name – alimony/spousal support/spousal maintenance – keeps changing. There are numerous reasons the spousal support system is so complicated – many of them deal with ever-changing gender and marital roles. To understand why the system is …
South Dakota lawmakers are currently reviewing House Bill 1221, which would implement unilateral no-fault divorce in the state. If passed, Mississippi would be the only remaining state in the country without unilateral no-fault divorces. Despite the move over the last 50-plus years toward no-fault divorce, there has been a significant …
By Matt Allen Editor, Alleging fault means that one spouse is at fault for the break up of the marriage. But now that all states have some form of no-fault divorce, why would someone pursue a divorce on fault grounds? Pursue legal advice on divorce from your attorney, but …