Can a minor gain custody of his child?

Divorce Attorney Angela Foy

Question: My son is 17 and has a child with his ex-girlfriend who is 18. They have been sharing custody, but lately there are too many arguments and I would like to get a child custody order in place and finalized. Joint custody is the desired outcome. Is that possible


Making Every Moment Count

By Richard “RJ” Jaramillo Founder of This article recalls my newly divorced dad journey on how I didn’t give up on getting more custody time with my children. So many newly divorced fathers get frustrated from their initial obstacles in family court, but in my case, I decided to


Does pornography affect child custody?

Question: My wife and I were married 7 years and have three young children ages 2 to 6. She found out that I look at pornography and because of that she kicked me out. We divorced in CA last year and I now live in UT while she lives in