Disability’s Impact On Child Support

medical costs

Question: I have been a stay-at-home father for more than a year. Although I currently receive no disability benefits, I am physically unable to work. Will my wife be able to sue me for child support? We are also in the process of selling a house and might split the


Paying For The Marital Home Prior To Mediation

marital home

Question: Following our temporary divorce hearing the judge ordered me to pay child support and continue making payments on the marital  home until we meet with a mediator. I can’t afford to continue making these house payments. What are my options if my name is the only one on the


Dividing Home Equity As Marital Property

property division

Question: After getting married I moved into the home my wife owned. We refinanced the mortgage about 18 months ago and put my name on the loan as well as the title/deed. My wife now wants a divorce and says I am not entitled to any of the equity. Am


When Should Marital Assets Be Divided?


Question: I have investment properties managed by a partner who is my property manager. One of the homes recently sold and the property manager divided the check evenly between my wife and I even though we are separated and she has moved out. Shouldn’t those assets be divided at my