How To Create A Long-Distance Parenting Plan

long-distance visitation

Working with your ex to put together an effective parenting plan that allows you to both be great co-parents can be one of the most challenging parts of the divorce process. It’s also critical considering the affect it has on mitigating the negative effects divorce can have on children. This


Do I Need To Hire A Divorce Attorney?


Question: My wife and I married less than a year ago. We’ve made no major purchases and have no children together. Do I need a lawyer? Could we handle this divorce on our own or could we use one of those cheap divorce services?


Men’s Divorce Podcast: Co-Parenting Tips

sole custody

Each month, Dads Divorce sponsor Cordell & Cordell produces the Men’s Divorce Podcast, which features interviews with authors, politicians and other divorce professionals on issues fathers frequently face during the divorce process.


The Latest Child Custody Trend: ‘Birdnesting’

bird's nest

There are very few life events more Earth-shattering for a child than when his or her parents divorce. Research shows that children do best in stable households where they know what to expect and feel, but that stability is difficult to maintain while shuffling from house to house throughout the


DadsDivorce Live: Creating Child Custody Schedules

One of the most challenging parts of parenting after divorce is coming up with a child custody schedule that is efficient and fair to both parents. Unfortunately, this is a common source of conflict post-divorce. However, there are tools available to help manage the process. Ben Coltrin developed the Custody


Shared Parenting Opposition Not Based On Facts

parental rights

Across the country, the shared parenting movement is gaining momentum, and has been for years. Currently, bills are being considered in Florida, Missouri, Maryland and Massachusetts that would move toward a presumption of equal access for both parents in child custody cases. More states are expected to join the fold