Question: I am getting ready to go through a divorce and would like custody of our children. However, my oldest son has another man’s last name because my wife and I met while she was still legally married to someone else. Can I get a DNA test to prove I’m the …
Time and time again, the child support system’s overemphasis on collecting payments ends up punishing low-income fathers. Or in some cases, it punishes low-income men who aren’t fathers at all. The latest example comes from Iowa where Joe Vandusen, 45, is being asked to pay child support for a child …
It is difficult to estimate how many people are victims of paternity fraud in the United States, but even conservative estimates put the number in the millions. It’s been referred to as a “national epidemic.”
Throughout history, fathers have frequently been cast aside as an overlooked parent when it comes to family matters. That traditionally has held true in the adoption process. Consider the concept of the adoption triad. This is the concept of a triangle that exists during adoptions with the adoptee in one …
Question: My wife and I are filing for divorce. She has some serious drug issues and I do not feel she is fit to take care of our daughter. However, she keeps threatening to get a paternity order. Although I am not the biological father, I have been involved in …
Question: I recently had a child with a married woman who claimed she was separated. Since she is still legally married to another man, my name is not on the birth certificate. Legally, am I responsible for child support since I am not the father in the eyes of the …
Filmmaker Al Greeze recently produced a documentary titled, “Frustrated 2: Mama’s Baby, Daddy’s Maybe,” that takes an investigative look at many of the unfair practices by the state courts against fathers. Through research, personal account and testimonies from men who have dealt with these situations, the documentary examines the crucial …
Question: My child was born a couple months ago and I am not on the birth certificate. The mother is uncooperative in letting me see the child. Is there a specific form I use to initiate paternity and child custody hearings?
It didn’t receive much media coverage, but recently CNN and Turner Broadcasting settled an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission charge with former CNN reporter Josh Levs, who claimed the company’s paid paternal leave policy discriminated against dads. The settlement, which followed a change to CNN’s paid care-giving leave program allows paid …
When paternity fraud is committed, it isn’t just the non-biological father who suffers. Paternity fraud is an act that leaves a throng of victims in its wake – from the real biological father who has been denied the right to know and raise his child to the child itself who …