Top Five Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce

divorce questions

The early stages of divorce can seem overwhelming. You’re likely sorting through difficult emotions and stressed about what the future might hold. During this time, it can be hard to know where to turn and what are the first steps you need to take to protect yourself, your assets, and


Do I Need To Hire A Divorce Attorney?


Question: My wife and I married less than a year ago. We’ve made no major purchases and have no children together. Do I need a lawyer? Could we handle this divorce on our own or could we use one of those cheap divorce services?


Understanding Procedural Rules As A Pro-Se Litigant

motion for continuance

Question: I am representing myself in my divorce pro se and I feel as though the courts are treating me differently because I’m not an attorney. For example, the court recently granted my wife’s attorney a three-day extra continuance regarding evidence and I was never notified by either the court


Why Pro Se Divorce Is A Costly Mistake

divorce dilemma

By “Dad X” After watching two attorneys cost me thousands of dollars in fees and thousands more in what I considered allowing the judge to use a shovel between my bank account and my ex’s new Prada purse, I decided to appear pro se at my self-filed support modification. That


Divorce Questions To Ask About Pro Se Divorce

By Matt Allen Editor, Divorced dads will sometimes consider representing themselves pro se to keep costs down at a time when resources may already be stretched thin. Inevitably, they have two divorce questions to ask: Should I actually try representing myself? We’re agreeing on everything so do I even