I am going through a divorce and no one in the legal aid programs are willing to help or represent me in court. My ex lives in a different state and I’m stuck fighting for shared parenting and visitation on my own.
Any advice on how to approach this situation?
Please be aware that I cannot give legal advice based on contact from the website and can only provide general tips regarding your situation.
That certainly sounds like a complicated issue. My first questions is how do you expect a court to order shared visitation when both parties are not in the same state? Even if the court were to find that both you and the mother are equally fit to parent, and it would be in the best interests of the children to spend equal time with the two of you, there is no conceivable way for equal (which is what I assume you mean by shared) parenting time. This is a difficult issue for you to consider.

It is always better to go to court with an attorney, and if legal aid will not help you, you need to think about hiring personal representation. If that is not an option, you could try law schools in the area and ask if they have a civil law department, where law students take on cases for free under the supervision of their instructors.
Family law is based on statutes that are state specific. I am licensed to practice in Nebraska and am not able to give specific and detailed legal advice regarding your situation. You need to contact an attorney licensed in your state who specializes in domestic litigation. Cordell and Cordell, PC has offices in many states, please check our website to see if we are available in your state for you to contact and set up a consultation.
To arrange an initial consultation to discuss divorce rights for men with a Cordell & Cordell attorney, including Nebraska divorce lawyer Nancy Shannon, contact Cordell & Cordell.