Who Can Be Present At My Divorce Mediation?

divorce mediator's role

By Sara Pitcher Cordell & Cordell Divorce Lawyer If you or your former spouse is re-married and your mediation is for a modification issue, it is possible that your current spouse may be present at the divorce mediation to assist in the decision-making. Since parties are typically in separate rooms,


What Paperwork Do You File When Terminating Alimony?

advice on divorce

Question: I need financial advice on divorce on terminating alimony payments. Per my divorce decree, I am to pay alimony to my ex-wife for another five years. However, she recently became engaged to be remarried and has volunteered to stop receiving alimony. We are on amicable terms so I believe


Modifying Child Support When You Have Another Child

Kevin Mammola Atlanta Divorce Attorney

Question: My question relates to child support. I have a child from a previous marriage that I’m currently paying support for. I recently got married and we are expecting another child shortly. Can I request a child support modification because I will have another child to support?