Divorce Myths: Common Misconceptions About Divorce

When it comes to divorce, far too many common beliefs are accepted as truths even though reality is much different. It’s common for divorce attorneys to have to correct incorrect perceptions that clients have about the divorce process in their initial meeting. Always keep in mind that the process of


Is It Worth Pursuing Child Support?

child support

Question: I share 50/50 custody of my son with my ex-wife. For about six years, I paid child support. We recently mediated and child support was eliminated. I am planning on retiring in about a year while my ex is going to be working for several more years. She makes


Gray Divorce Revolution: Handling Divorce After 50

gray divorce

There is a misconception that divorce is for the young. Once a couple survives the initial hurdles of marriage and child raising, then gets past the mid-life crises, it seems like their relationship should be in the clear. In reality, older couples are divorcing more than ever before. Overall, the


DadsDivorce Live: Understanding QDROs

One of the more confusing aspects of the divorce process is figuring out how to sort out retirement accounts during the division of assets. A common end-of-divorce task is the drafting and implementation of a Qualified Domestic Relations Order – the legal document that instructs a retirement plan administrator on


Is My 401(k) Divisible During Divorce?

retirement planning

Question: I was contributing to a 401(k) prior to marrying my wife. Now it looks like we’re heading towards divorce. Is my 401(k) divisible during divorce? I stopped contributing to before our marriage was official.


How To Keep Divorce From Ruining Your Retirement

retirement planning

Rick Harkins and his wife, Michelle Cortes-Harkins, founded Harkins Wealth Management in 2008. Rick and Michelle began offering financial planning, but they soon began receiving an influx of referrals from divorce attorneys. Eventually, they have split into two different practices: One that covers the wealth management side of things, and


DadsDivorce Live: The Rise Of Gray Divorce

The overall divorce rate in the United States has been on a steady decline since the 1980s. However, the number of couples older than 50 deciding to terminate their marriage has exploded over the last 25 years. Since 1990, the divorce rate for Americans older than 50 has doubled and