Question: I am under the impression that once I got remarried, my new wife would have the same parenting time rights that I do in terms of right of first refusal. I know that when it is my parenting time, I can leave my daughter in my current wife’s care …
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What are my options regarding ROFR if there is no court order?

Question: My soon-to-be-ex wants the kids to continue going to daycare even though I am willing and able to watch after them. Since we are still married and there is no custody order in place, is it OK for me to make the decision to refuse to take them there …
CONTINUE READINGRight of First Refusal and Overnights

By Samuel M. Sanchez Attorney, Cordell & Cordell School is out for summer (or about to be) and the issue of right of first refusal crops up often over summer breaks and the inevitable children sleepovers and backyard campouts. Some couples have a clause in their divorce decree stating if …
CONTINUE READINGRight of first refusal clause; age of emancipation

Among the Ask a Divorce Lawyer questions answered today by Cordell & Cordell, P.C. attorneys: There is a Right of First Refusal clause in our divorce decree. Can my ex legally get our child every weekend night I’m working because of this clause? Does my child support obligation modify or …
CONTINUE READINGShould I have to pay for daycare when I’m able to take care of the kids but my ex won’t let me?

Question: My kids have multiple school breaks through out the school year. Our divorce decree states that we will split the breaks 50/50. During the last 2-week break, I had my kids the first week and she had the second week. I took time off from work to be with …