Using A Guardian Ad Litem In A Custody Case

child custody

Question: My wife is trying to get full legal and physical custody of our kids and leave me only with supervised visitation. This is concerning because she is very abusive. I don’t have money for a lawyer so how should I go about fighting this?


Does A Stepdad Have A Shot At Gaining Child Custody?

stepparent's rights

Question: I have raised my stepdaughter since she was 5 years old. I have supported her financially for the last 10 years as her biological father has been out of the picture her entire life. Unfortunately, my wife has started drinking heavily and I don’t think our marriage is salvageable.


Ex’s Parents Want Shared Parenting Rights

Question: My ex has a children’s services case in which it states that she is not allowed to have physical contact with our two children. Originally, we had a shared parenting plan in the divorce, so she’s now requesting that her parents keep the children during her time instead of