A Note from Your New DadsDivorce Editor

new online editor dadsdivorceHello, DadsDivorce followers! 

I’m Katie Davis, and I’ll be the new Online Editor for DadsDivorce.com. I’ve already started communicating with some of you, and I look forward to hearing from more DadsDivorce readers in the future.

This is an exciting time for a website devoted to issues surrounding men’s and father’s rights as well as resources for men before, during or after divorce. Divorce and issues like alimony, child support and custody laws have been in the news and frequently discussed throughout the blogosphere. 

Divorced fathers can be more connected than ever, and many are actively discussing, debating and engaging over issues that are important to them.

As a newcomer to the DadsDivorce world, I have been impressed by the overall respect, thoughtfulness and interesting discussions portrayed by many of our followers, whether through the website or its different social media pages like Facebook, Google + and Twitter.

I look forward to hearing from you all as we report and write on important topics within the world of men’s and dad’s divorce. I have quite a few goals for the future of DadsDivorce, such as more relevant stories, a faster turnaround and better responsiveness. 

 As we make these changes and continue to push out stories, tips and ideas that are helpful to men, and particularly dads, I would love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions, concerns or ideas at info@dadsdivorce.com.

Best wishes,

Katie Davis
Online Editor

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One comment on “A Note from Your New DadsDivorce Editor

    Welcome and congratulations. I have to admit I didn’t know how unequal it was until my son ended up trying to get custody and/or visitation with his son. We have dealt with unfair issues that pertain to different states interpretation of the law, and finally heard of UCCJEA, which all states agreed to follow and how states don’t, because fathers can’t afford attorneys to help them. Problems with jurisdiction is a major concern for both sides since we are all more mobile then ever before. Courts still have the idea that women are great and men are bad. Seeing moms killing their children or cause of serious abuse shows that this is not just something men can be committing and you would think they would take a more open look to who is the best parent. Mom on welfare and never working isn’t always best. Mom who lie should not retain custody. The examples set are not what children should be taught. Women who are trying to better themselves and the lives of their children set good examples. I think it is time for the media and the courts to show equal treatment of the topic.

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