My wife and I filed for a no-fault divorce in the state of Pennsylvania 40 days past. Do I still have the right to change my mind about the agreement we made before the 90-day filing period?
First I must preface my answer that I do not practice in Pennsylvania. Because each state has laws governing dissolution of marriage, it is important that you seek the advice of a domestic litigation attorney licensed in Pennsylvania prior to taking action.
I am assuming by the ’90-day filing period’ you mean a mandatory waiting period between when you filed your divorce papers and the earliest time a court would set a default hearing. Courts are generally not likely to accept a stipulation agreement that is not supported by both parties.
It would be to your benefit to consult a domestic litigation attorney in Pennsylvania to discuss your options.
Nancy R. Shannon, a Nebraska native, is an Associate Attorney in the Omaha, Nebraska office of Cordell & Cordell, P.C. She is licensed in the state of Nebraska where her primary practice is exclusively in the area of domestic relations. Ms. Shannon received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Doane College and her Juris Doctor from University of Nebraska – Lincoln, where she was a finalist in a Moot court competition and active in Client Counseling activities.