Question: I have physical custody of my 14-year-old son and have for 9 years. His mother is ordered to pay $191 a month for support. I live in Missouri and she lives in Idaho. She’s $7,500 behind in support not counting her half of his medical insurance, which would put her at $9,500.
She has a part-time job in addition to three children with her new husband who is now unemployed. What are my options to get that support paid?
Answer: Before I answer your question, let me state that I am not licensed to practice law in Missouri or Idaho; Cordell & Cordell has attorneys located in Missouri that would be willing to talk to you about your options for getting your support paid.
A child support obligation is an Order of the Court and as such if a party is failing to follow that Order, you could move the Court to hold that person in contempt for failure to pay. The Court would have several options available to it when holding a person in Contempt.
Another option, depending upon the state, would be to contact the Child Support Division of your particular state. Sometimes they have steps that a parent can take to attempt to collect past child support.
Jason Bowman is an Associate Attorney in the Louisville, Kentucky office of Cordell & Cordell, P.C. Mr. Bowman is licensed in the states of Kentucky and Texas. He received his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Louisville, and received his Juris Doctor from Texas Wesleyan University. Mr. Bowman practiced Domestic Relations for four years with a Louisville firm, and practiced general law for one year. He is an adjunct professor with Indiana Wesleyan University where he teaches business law.