Ask A Lawyer: Am I Obligated To Continue Paying Child Support?


My son (who turns 18 this summer) has dropped out of school. He was previously enrolled in the local high school that didn’t work for him…so he enrolled in the Alternative high school. That didn’t work for him either and he was expelled. He then was given a chance to participate in the GED program which he also quit.

Now he says he is going to re-enroll in high school in the fall (and not going to school at all until then). Am I obligated to continue child support if he is not actively enrolled?



You need to consult an attorney in your jurisdiction as child support guidelines vary from state to state.  In some states child support terminates at the age of 18 or when a child graduates from high school. 

Generally, if a child is not actively enrolled in high school or the equivalent your support obligation terminates; however it may not terminate automatically and it may be necessary to file a Motion to Terminate Child Support.


Tiffany A. McFarland is a Senior Attorney and Litigation Manager with Cordell & Cordell, P.C. in the Overland Park, Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri offices. Ms. McFarland practices exclusively in the area of domestic relations. 

Tiffany is licensed in the state of Missouri and the state of Kansas and is certified as a Guardian ad Litem.

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One comment on “Ask A Lawyer: Am I Obligated To Continue Paying Child Support?

    What means do I have to find out where my daughter is enrolled, if both my daughter and her mother refuse to provide the information?

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