I recently landed a second job that is only a couple hours a week just so I can have some spending cash due to child support payments leaving me financially strained.
However, I received a letter from my state’s child support office that they need to set up a deduction from my paychecks with my new employer that will take out the same amount of child support payments that are already being deducted from the full-time job’s paycheck.
What do I need to do to get this fixed?
I am unable to give you legal advice on divorce. I can give general divorce help for men, though, my knowledge is based on Pennsylvania divorce laws where I am licensed to practice.
It sounds like there may have been an error in how they are calculating your child support. Unfortunately, that is not that uncommon.
You are correct that having additional income will likely increase your child support obligation. However, it probably should not just double what you are currently paying.
Where I practice, the court looks at the income of both parties and utilizes a table in order to determine child support. It appears that your second job does not sound like it provides a regular amount of income.
In my state, the court will typically look at the income you would earn at this job over a six month period in order to determine by how much your second job is increasing your income.
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You should contact the domestic relations section of the court in the county where your order originated and attempt to straighten out this issue. It is likely that your current support obligation will have to be modified to accurately account for the income from both of your jobs. You may be able to have the full amount taken from your primary employment.
Remember, I am unable to provide you with anything more than divorce tips for men, so please consult with divorce lawyers for men in your jurisdiction.
To arrange an initial consultation to discuss divorce rights for men with a Cordell & Cordell attorney, including Pittsburgh Divorce Lawyer Anna M. Ciardi, contact Cordell & Cordell.
Unemployed, how to modify child support payment and how to stop withdrawing money out of bank accounts.
I have paid 4 years of child support payments. Ex-girlfriend has the custody of my daughter, she is 4 years old, lives in Washington and I live in TX. It’s been a little over year since I lost my job. I have filled the motion to reduce the child support payment but it doesn’t seem to be working in my favor. What drives the child support amount, the gross income from both parents? I thought if you are unemployed or reduced income, I should be able to reduce/modify the child support accordingly. I receive unemployment benefits and the gross income is much less but the child support payment has not changed, as for percent taken out from the check, it is getting higher (auto child support withdraw from the previous job pay stub vs unemployment benefits). The previous child support amount, bi-weekly $241; 12.5% (from gross $1950). Now I pay child support $57 bi-weekly approx. $114; 13% (from gross unemployment benefits $852). I live with two kids (they are 10 & 11 years old) which I have custody, and been receiving child support payments from ex-wife $125 per child (combined $250). Now I am remarried (she is a full time student) and she doesn’t work. Is it matter if I am married, would my wife’s income affects the child support payment, what about two kids that I take care of? It’s not fair that I only receive $250 for two kids and I have to pay $450 for just one. Without my authorization, last November the division of child support withdrew $2500 out of my checking account for arrears and now they are setup to withdraw $300 dollars per month from Division of Child Support debit bank account (addition to $57 weekly from unemployment benefits). My house is in foreclosure due to non-payments and I am financially drained. What can I do to reduce the child support payment, and how can I protect myself (stop them from withdrawing the money out of my bank accounts), the bank account is for receiving child support payments from ex-wife, she pays $250 child support payment and the money is automatically deposit into this account. Please help!