Can a judge in one jurisdiction (in this case New Mexico) overturn a divorce ruling in another jurisdiction (Missouri)?
First let me preface my answer by stating that I am not licensed in New Mexico or Missouri, so I am unfamiliar with both states’ domestic relation laws. You should consult an attorney in those jurisdictions for more specific information, Cordell & Cordell does have attorneys in Missouri that would be happy to discuss your case with you.
Your question is hard for me to answer because I am unsure what the Judge may overturn. The Judge should not be able to overturn a divorce decree meaning that you are suddenly remarried to your former spouse.
But there are some issues in divorce, such as child custody, child support, alimony, etc., that may be modified by another court, but only if certain conditions are met to give the New Mexico court jurisdiction.
You should seek advice of an attorney for specific advice to your question.
Jason Bowman is an attorney in the Louisville, Kentucky, office of Cordell & Cordell. He is licensed in the states of Kentucky and Texas. He received his Bachelor of Science in Business from the University of Louisville, and received his Juris Doctor from Texas Wesleyan University.