What is Parental Alienation?

child custody

Parental alienation is often a concern during high-conflict divorces and child custody matters. It is not present in every case, and it can be very difficult to recognize with certainty even when it is actually occurring. One reason alienation can be so difficult to recognize is that the offending behavior


Co-Parenting Communication Dos and Don’ts – Men’s Divorce Podcast

Cordell & Cordell Executive/Managing Partner, CEO Scott Trout and Litigation Attorney Michael Carano Jr. discuss how to effective communicate when co-parenting with your ex-spouse. They discuss the importance of communicating effectively when co-parenting, its potential impact on your parenting time, how to communicate when your ex is disagreeable, tools for proper communication when


Changing School Districts With Joint Custody

Question: My ex-wife and I share 50/50 custody and disagree about changing our kids’ school districts. She wants to pull our kids out of the school district they have been in their whole lives (the one in my neighborhood) and enroll them in a school district closer to her a


Register for Free Divorce Seminars

divorce seminar

Dad’s Divorce sponsor Cordell & Cordell is hosting a series of free Men’s Divorce Seminars over the coming two months in an effort to better prepare men across the U.S. for what lies ahead during the divorce process. The 10 Stupidest Mistakes Made When Facing Divorce seminars will cover the