The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak has resulted in a period of confusion and uncertainty about what lies ahead.
Unfortunately, if you are a dad going through divorce, those worries are all the more pronounced. Certainly, as a father, your primary concern is for the health and well-being of your family. You might also have questions about how the virus affects your right to spend time with your children.
DadsDivorce sponsor Cordell & Cordell hosted a free webinar on March 26, that covered “Can the Coronavirus Affect Custodial Rights? How Divorces and Parenting Time May Be Impacted.”
The webinar was hosted by Cordell & Cordell divorce lawyers who addressed concerns about how COVID-19 is impacting divorce and child custody issues.
The webinar covered a range of topics concerning divorced dads such as:
- Tips to keep your kids safe and healthy.
- Child custody issues such as coordinating custody exchanges while quarantined.
- The financial impact of COVID-19 such as what to do if you can no longer make your alimony or child support payments.
- How to move forward with your divorce if family courts are not open due to the virus.
Cordell & Cordell divorce attorneys reviewed these topics and more during the complimentary “Can the Coronavirus Affect Custodial Rights? How Divorces and Parenting Time May Be Impacted” webinar. After viewing this webinar you will be better informed so you can make educated decision to help keep you and your family safe.
Related Coronavirus coverage:
Cordell & Cordell COVID-19 and Divorce Information Hub
Cordell & Cordell Continuing Weekly COVID-19 And Divorce Webinar Series
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