DadsDivorce Live’s Rick Ortiz discusses domestic violence against men with Jan Brown.
Brown is the founder and executive director of the Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women that provides supportive services for victims of domestic violence, specializing in offering assistance to men in intimate relationships with abusive women.
Brown runs the Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women, a nationwide toll-free helpline based in Maine. It’s the only service of its kind that assists men nationwide, and in fact stands in for men across the country who can find no local assistance.
The DAHMW isn’t just one link in a long chain; it’s practically the only link in a very, very short chain. Brown draws no salary to run DAHMW, and instead sinks her own money into it. On a good year, the organization exists on barely $15,000 and the staunch dedication of volunteer phone operators across the country—many of whom, by the way, are women.
See related story: “An anthologist lends a hand to the Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women”