Being alienated from a child you love dearly is one of the most miserable and heartbreaking things a father can go through. Michael Jeffries knows this because he experienced it.
That is why Jeffries decided to write “A Family’s Heartbreak: A Parent’s Introduction to Parental Alienation.” The book tells the story of Jeffries’ own experience going through parental alienation and is an educational resource for other parents going through the same thing.
Jeffries joins DadsDivorce Live to talk about what he went through as an alienated parent and provides tips for other parents in similar positions.
5 Ways To Fight Parental Alienation
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I’m a mother of 3 children and 6 grandchildren and grew up being unconditionally loved by parents I know and have experienced living apart from my own children from time to time through no fault of their own and I had no choice. It is the most gut renching soul destroying numb feeling you live with everyday as a parent and a human being. My question is this why would we assume that a “FATHER” is void of these feelings and much more.