Dads Want To Know How Other Dads Are Making It After Divorce.
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Maybe you and your kids have figured out how to get dressed, fed and out the door in the morning. Dads Want To Know.
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Shift work visitation schedule?
My ex wife has had a job working shift work for about 2 years now. She works 4 on & 4 off alternating days for one month & nights the next month. According to our papers in Texas, she is supposed to see our daughter every 1st, 3rd & 5th weekends. Well because of her schedule she obviously can’t follow the papers. Well, she could, but she wouldn’t get to see our daughter much. I was being a nice guy & letting our daughter go over whenever her mother was off. She pays $150 a month child support. We just had a review by the Attorney General’s office to which we found out that her cs would be raised to $396 a month. She doesn’t agree with that because she feels she doesn’t get to see her daughter enough. The real reason is that she wants our daughter to spend the night at her house on weekdays. What I would like to know, is there a law in the state of Texas that would grant her certain visitations that would correspond to her “schedule of work” more than what I’ve been doing?