Do Child Support Laws Allow For Lower Support Payments To Cover Day Care Cost?

divorce lawyer Tamara HoffstatterQuestion:

My question is about child support laws regarding paying for day care on top of child support payments.

If I am now responsible for paying for child care, does that mean I am entitled to a modification of child support to lower my monthly child support payments?

I don’t see why I should have to now pay the day care costs along with the same amount of child support.


Please note that I am not licensed in your state so I am unable to provide specific financial advice on divorce or legal advice on divorce.

Like most states, child support amounts are calculated with a uniform formula. In Michigan (where I practice), a number of factors go into the calculation of how much child support each parent pays.

One of those factors is the amount of day care that is paid for the child by either party. This, coupled with other factors that include but are not limited to the income that each party realizes and the number of overnights that the child spends at each parent’s house during the year, are all considered in determining the monthly child support payment that a parent is obligated to pay.

Child Support Calculator

If you need advice on divorce, or wish to take specific action in this matter, you need to contact an attorney immediately for assistance. Cordell & Cordell does represent clients nationwide.

To schedule an appointment with a Cordell & Cordell attorney, including Tamara Hoffstatter, an attorney in the Troy, Michigan, office of Cordell & Cordell, please contact Cordell & Cordell.

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