How can I calculate how much alimony I might have to pay after divorce?
While I am not licensed to practice law in your state, I can give some general guidance on this issue.
Alimony or spousal support is not necessarily required in a divorce. Generally, courts will first make a determination as to whether the spouse is eligible or entitled to alimony. This can vary from state to state.

Once the court determines that your spouse is eligible for alimony, it will most likely look at certain factors to determine an appropriate award of alimony.
Some of these factors include: educational background; duration of the marriage; age of the requesting spouse; employment history; efforts to find employment; financial resources of the seeking spouse; mental and physical well-being of the spouse; etc.
In addition, some states have caps on the amount or duration of an award of alimony. Alimony could also be agreed to between the parties, rather than court-ordered.
Please note that many states are in the process of or have completed alimony reform; meaning that the alimony laws may have changed in your state.
I would encourage you to contact a domestic litigation attorney licensed in your area who can examine the full details of your situation.
Remember I am unable to provide you with anything more than divorce tips
To arrange an initial consultation to discuss divorce rights for men with a Cordell & Cordell attorney, including Florida divorce lawyer Christina Lapadula, contact Cordell & Cordell.
final divorce papers 2005, separated permanately in 1999. I receive my combat disability pay, social security and a $360 retirement from the railroad. I am married and take care of my spouse. my ex has never pursued a job. how much can she take from me, percentage that is of my total fixed income.
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