The article, inspired by the men of and other websites, communities, and support groups, is meant to showcase the level of involvement that these men must rise to simply to prove that they are viable parents in a system where they are not given the benefit of a doubt.
Says Ortiz, "The men who frequent our site and others, are breaking stereotypes that say men aren’t attentive, aren’t involved, aren’t organized, are unable or unwilling to adopt technology, aren’t educated about the law. They are channeling the pain of their separation from their children into a very positive response: networking and helping each other step up to the level of involvement as a parent that is required for men in this and other countries where fathers are marginalized simply because of their gender."
There are those who say that fatherlessness is rotting American society from within, but these fathers are fighting hard to be present and active in their children’s lives. A bit of study on sites like and the sites we are linked to, or an unfortunate walk in their shoes, leads these fathers to form theories as to why they are marginalized and why increasingly America is losing the positive influence of a father (see Stephen Baskerville, Warren Farrell and others), but mostly these men are just fighting to see their kids. Both fronts are important: the home front and the national front, and divorced dads around the world are hard at work fighting to show up themselves and making sure children are not robbed from fathers as a whole.
The article, "Parent Like A Divorced Dad" is meant to call attention to the plight of the undervalued American Dad, and how He isn’t taking it sitting down. It’s about parents who must become activists simply to remain parents.
Read the article here. Check out what they have to offer there. A lot of great advice for people who want to further their personal growth, written by leaders in their fields!