Paying Child Support For A Non-Biological Child

Question:Colorado Divorce Attorney

Is there a paternity law that requires a husband to pay child support for a child born during the marriage even if he is not the biological father?

My wife and I are still married, but we are considering a divorce. She recently had a baby that I do not believe is mine because she frequently has cheated on me.

If I were able to get a DNA test proving the child is not mine, would I still have to pay child support since the child was born while we were married?


While I am not licensed to practice in your jurisdiction, I can provide you with some general divorce help for men regarding your paternity law issue.

The issue of paternity should be dealt with immediately. In your case, it appears that you would want to establish the nonexistence of the parent child relationship.

If you are filing for divorce, your position on this should be made clear to the court as soon as possible. If you are not filing for divorce, you will still want to determine paternity and begin the legal process.

Generally, if a party does not object or argue against paternity, it may be possible to argue that the party is a presumptive parent. In that case, child support may be ordered by the court.

How Much Will You Pay?

Child Support Calculator

If you are able to prove that the child is not yours and you meet your state’s requirements for nonexistence of a parent child relationship, child support should not be ordered. The statute of limitations to disclaim paternity varies in different states.

Also, it appears that you will need to get a genetic test, and that you may need the court to order such a test if there is no agreement to a DNA test.

With regards to genetic testing, make sure that the laboratory you choose is certified and court-approved in your state to ensure valid results that are accepted by the courts.

Again, I am unable to provide you with legal advice on divorce and this should not be construed as an attorney-client relationship. Consult with a mens divorce attorney.

To schedule an appointment with a Cordell & Cordell mens divorce lawyer, including Maile Kobayashi, an Associate Attorney in the Boulder, Denver, office of Cordell & Cordell, please contact Cordell & Cordell.

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2 comments on “Paying Child Support For A Non-Biological Child

    I owe back child support, over 25 years have passed the child is not mine, now she wants the back pay, she knew it wasn’t mine, when I first went to CSS I was told too bad, is there a way to just stop this outrage?

    Hello my name is Sean and is in really need of some advice I’m from Oakland California but live Houston Texas just recently I found out a child was not mines I want to say back in February of 2015 I was on child support for a while from the Califorina Almeda division which they did stop their payments but now the Annie is getting child support payments again I did report the DNA status to Almeda and nothing was not done and now I’m at the end of my ropes really dont know what legal actions should I take also this situation really have been taking a toll on me and I feel at this moment in my life there is no hope.

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