Figuring out how to survive and thrive after divorce is no easy task.
CONTINUE READINGThe Disturbing Ways Divorce Can Impact Your Health

Figuring out how to survive and thrive after divorce is no easy task.
CONTINUE READINGDivorce has a way of impacting nearly every part of your life.
CONTINUE READINGMental illness and child custody cases are a fairly common part of the divorce process for many couples. Not only can mental illness impact the outcome of your case, but court cases involving mental illness can also be more expensive.
CONTINUE READINGIt’s commonly said that nobody wins in a divorce, but a person can certainly lose. The stakes in divorce can be quite high, and unfortunately there are many things you can do during the process to shoot yourself in the foot.
CONTINUE READINGEach month, the Cordell & Cordell Men’s Divorce Podcast features an in-depth discussion on specific issues that affect men going through divorce.
CONTINUE READINGEmotional distress is often listed as the most unexpectedly challenging part of divorce. This can be particularly tough for men as research shows they deal with the psychological aspects of separation different than women do. Women tend to be more vocal about their feelings, which leads them to seek out …
CONTINUE READINGQuestion: My ex-wife recently started dating again. Several people have warned me that the man she is seeing has a reputation for being a heavy drinker and having a volatile temper. I asked my ex-wife about these rumors, but she blew them off as gossip. However, after searching his name …
CONTINUE READINGHaving a spouse who is battling addiction or alcoholism can take a brutal toll on a marriage. Sometimes, the only way to end that fight is with divorce. Many people don’t realize their partner is an addict when they say their wedding vows. Other times, the addiction is something that …
CONTINUE READINGQuestion: My divorce was finalized about two years ago and my two kids live with their mother. I recently found out my ex pleaded guilty to a DUI. Could this affect the custody agreement?
CONTINUE READINGFor whatever reason, there is still a stigma surrounding men’s mental health. Even though only about 2 out of 100 men seek outpatient help for depression, suicide rates for middle-aged men have been skyrocketing since 2008. When a man experiences a divorce, those health risks become even more pronounced.