Is Abandonment A Grounds For Divorce?

Question: My wife and I have been trying to work out our divorce for the past year while living in the same house. We haven’t made much progress in the settlement process and I recently had my lawyer notify her of my intention to move out. However, her lawyer is


Video: Cordell & Cordell News – August 7, 2015

Dads Divorce, sponsor Cordell & Cordell and sister site have teamed up to present a series of weekly recap videos to keep you informed on the latest news and top stories. This week, Cordell & Cordell linked to an article on in which Cordell & Cordell family law


DadsDivorce LIVE: Massachusetts Alimony Reform Act

Massachusetts Alimony Reform Act

The Massachusetts Alimony Reform Act of 2011, which did away with permanent alimony in the state, was hailed as a national model when it passed. Recently, the Massachusetts Supreme Court issued three key decisions regarding the termination of alimony upon retirement or cohabition.


Can Permanent Alimony Be Modified?

child support

Question: I am 62 years old and am paying permanent alimony. I am paying nearly $1,500 per month and don’t think I will ever be able to retire. Is there anything I can do to modify or terminate my alimony payments?


The Ongoing Problem Of Spousal Support

spousal support

Spousal support seems destined to remain in a state of perpetual flux. Even the name – alimony/spousal support/spousal maintenance – keeps changing. There are numerous reasons the spousal support system is so complicated – many of them deal with ever-changing gender and marital roles. To understand why the system is


DadsDivorce LIVE: Florida Alimony Reform

Two weeks ago, Dads Divorce covered the efforts going on in South Carolina to end permanent alimony. In Florida, lawmakers are also working on a bill that would radically overhaul the state’s current alimony statutes, which are widely regarded as some of the most outdated in the country. Alimony reform


DadsDivorce LIVE: Reforming Permanent Alimony Laws

alimony reform

In theory, the purpose of alimony should be rehabilitative in that it supports the lower-earning spouse for a length of time so they can gain the required skills and education to become financially independent. Permanent alimony, however, can be crippling to the payor as they are required to support their