Act Quickly To Modify Your Child Support Order

Child support agreement

Common sense dictates that if a father’s income decreases then his monthly child support should go down accordingly. Unfortunately, when and how to modify child support are questions that many dads find so confusing that they end up doing nothing at all and end up with payments they can’t afford.


Top 10 DadsDivorce Articles Of 2016

New Year

In 2016, DadsDivorce posted hundreds of articles and videos filled with tips and pointers to help you navigate life as a divorced father. Year-round, dads can visit the site and find new and interesting content. We’ve shared numerous articles from divorce attorneys explaining the intricacies of family law. We’ve visited


Will I Go To Jail For Contempt?

arrested man in handcuffs

Question: I have two contempt charges and have been ordered to pay back the arrears I owe, which have been deducted weekly from my paycheck. Last week I was laid off and I can’t afford an attorney. My court date is next week and I am worried I will have