Distribution of pension plans in divorce

Divorce lawyer Leslie Lorenzano

Question: My pension does not vest until I have been working for 20 years, which is 8 years away. I have been told my soon-to-be-ex is entitled to half of my pension. But what half is she entitled to? Half of the contribution amount that is in the account as


More States Approve Civil Unions

mens divorce lawyer

By Rachel D.S. Schmidt Attorney, Cordell & Cordell When Gov. Pat Quinn signed the Civil Union Act in January, Illinois joined about a dozen other states in providing legal protection to same-sex couples. The bill allows for civil unions defined as a “legal relationship” between two persons of either the


Dealing with a biased family law judge

Divorce attorney Jason Bowman

Question: I am representing myself pro se in my divorce case. I am submitting a motion requesting the court set aside my child support and alimony arrears. How can I ensure that this motion will not be heard by the same biased judge who originally entered the order?


Conditions of Contempt

Attorney William Halaz

By William Halaz Attorney, Cordell & Cordell In my first series of articles on contempt of court, I addressed the legal concept of contempt and what it means. A typical excerpt of a Motion for Contempt reads like this: “Respondent’s failure to abide by the Judgment and Order of Dissolution,


What is Contempt?

Attorney William Halaz

By William Halaz Attorney, Cordell & Cordell “Respondent’s failure to abide by the Judgment and Order of Dissolution, which included the parties’ Parenting Plan, is willful, deliberate, contumacious, and without just cause or excuse.” This is the last paragraph of a recent Motion for Contempt I filed on a client’s


Separate and Marital Property

By Molly Murphy Attorney, Cordell & Cordell Clients frequently ask me about the difference between separate and marital property. Marital property is property acquired by either spouse during the period of the marriage, with several exceptions, which I will get into later in the article. Separate property is property that