6 Ways To Stay Focused At Work During Your Divorce

job stress

A divorce is an earth-shattering event. It brings waves of crippling emotions: fear, anger, loneliness. It’s overwhelming. One of the most difficult parts of divorce is that even though your world feels like it’s shattered, life doesn’t stop. You still have other professional responsibilities to tend to.


Unemployment Poses Huge Divorce Risk For Men


Arguments over finances are often cited as one of the key predictors of divorce. However, a new study published in the American Sociological Review suggests employment status and gender expectations might have more to do with a couple’s risk of divorce than how much money they’re each making.


Does Termination Of Child Support Affect Arrears?

child support

Question: A judge granted me divorce and majority time-sharing with my ex. The judge also said I do not have to pay child support. However, the Department of Revenue says I still owe arrears. With all the expenses of raising my children, rent, car payments, etc. I cannot afford these


Accessing Account Passwords During Divorce

credit cards

Question: During our marriage, my wife and I stored all of our account passwords on a sheet of paper in our home office. During mediation, we agreed to provide the previous three months of bank statements, which should include credit cards. I handed mine over, but she has refused to